Hang Massive (abenduaren 11ra atzeratua)

Ateak eta txarteldegia 20:30ean zabalduko dira.
Aurresalmenta prezio berezia: 14 € + banaketa gastuak (www.kafeantzokia.eus, www.tickettailor.com)
Sarrera: 20 €
Taldearen oharra data aldaketari buruz:
Due to the ongoing complications of international travel due to Covid restrictions, we have had to reschedule the first five events on our Spring tour in Portugal and Spain. These events have been rescheduled to December 2022 as a part of our Autumn Tour. The new date for this event in Bilbao is December 11th 2022.
If you are a ticket holder, please check your email for details. Ticket refunds will be available from the point of purchase. We are very sorry about this.
At the same time, we are very excited as our tour will commence with the events that we have planned in France starting in Perpignan on April 7th. You can see the full tour schedule on our website – https://hangmassive.com/
We feel confident for the first time in two years that these events will be able to happen in an easeful manner and we are so excited to share the vibes with you and we hope this continues into the Autumn for our rescheduled events.
It has been a very challenging two years and during this time we have received so many messages of support and gratitude and this is the greatest fuel and inspiration to continue on.
We are sorry about this and we thank you for your understanding.
Danny and Markus