ACT 2017

Tickets: 8 € (Kafe Antzokia)
Festival pass: 15 €
ACT 2017
3rd day schedule:
– SUDDENLY (Jaiotz Osa, Basque Country)
When you are on the top of a building, the thought of falling into the void may come to your mind for a second. Or jumping into the railroad when a fast train is coming. That very second in which you think of lending your hand to that person. Those dizzy thoughts crossing your mind
Author: Jaiotz Osa
Choreography: Jaiotz Osa
Performers: Jaiotz Osa
Music : Eric Whitacre – “Sleep”.
Offstage voice : The Temper Trap – “The sea is calling”.
– UN CUERPO SIN VERGÜENZA (Angela Y Koldo, Catalonia)
“Un cuerpo sin vergüenza” is a piece about adolescence, those teen years when changes happen in a rush and energy seems endless. About our need to discover ourselves and communicate with others, and the embarrassment we feel on the way.
Author : Angela Peris, Koldo Arostegui
Direction/Choreography: Angela Peris, Koldo Aristegi
– WERNER O EL AZUL DE LOS ORÍGENES (Vera Miranda, Catalonia)
“Werner o el azul de los orígenes” is based on quotations, rests of a supposed script of the second part of a film never made (“El Sur”, by Víctor Erice), reconstructing the last days in Jacinto Esteva´s life, testified by his wife Ana: the request of haunter Joaquim Jordá, the recovery of the selvatic origin and the traces left by Werner Herzog in the jungle, that vessel climbing up a hill… Facts imposible to recover, that now can only be quoted or imagined.
Author: María García Vera y Juan Miranda
Choreography: Juan Miranda
Performers: María García Vera
Lighting design: María García Vera y Juan Miranda
Music: Carusso, Leda Llamadares