KUTXA BELTZA: Gibelurdinek – Unai Elorriaga: “Shane McGowan-en Gibela” (Loraldia 2016 Festival )

Upper room. Doors and box office will open at 20:30.
Tickets: 5 € (Kafe Antzokia, www.kafeantzokia.eus, Ticketea)
Kutxa Beltza
LORALDIA 2016 Festival
“Shane McGowanen Gibela” (Shane McGowan’s liver)
Shane MacGowan is the singer of Irish band The Pogues. Musician and poet, he was a pioneer on the Irish Punk-Folk genre. Basque writer Unai Elorriaga wrote a script inspired by McGowan’s life will read it live while basque Folk band Gibelurdinek (Fredi Paia, Josu Aurrekoetxea, Ekain Iurrebaso y Katxo Larrazabal) plays The Pogues’ covers.